Saturday, April 28, 2012

Family Ties, Family Lies

I hate doing things out of obligation, familial obligations for that matter are far out the most stressful. You don't want to piss anyone off because family is forever! Which means everyday of your life since birth, these people whom you love, adore, hate will always be present and have something to say about how you handle things in your life.

I have no qualms about my immediate family, me and my sisters are very close. I just don't get along with cousins, I dislike them very much and I don't mind letting the world know (even on this blog) that this is how I feel about them. Sorry, but some relatives are just unbelievably annoying.

I am content with the relationship I have with my darling relatives (they lilive in another city, really far away from our home), we only get to see them on holiday. We're quite civil, but not cloe and I would like to leave it at that. Just because they are my relatives, it doesn't mean their unsolicited advice are often sound. I am old enough to know what I can and cannot do. And I can make up my own mind, thank you! Even if it pisses you off!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Hair Watch: Going Grey is Just Cray Cray!

There are some fashion hair trends I pray won't take off, Oh God NO!!! And this is one of them!
I've been spotting a lot of the grey haired pixies on the subways... teens wanna be middle-aged moms too soon? Or is Comicon happening everyday now? Its not a flattering look. Avant-garde maybe, sure, but not everyone can be Gaga.

This look will only work if you're really greying out or if you have a really youthful, angelic face. Otherwise, you'd look too mature for your age, its like adding ten years in an instant. Not cool. And not every girl I know, even the pretty ones, can pull off the shocking silver hairdo.

Steph from CityandMakeup tries it out and she looks like a Manga caricature...Sorry Steph, Gandalf called and he wants his Grey back!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Strictly Perfect Curls

I'm having a good hairday, I feel so fab! My locks are golden. Smells heavenly too!

Used Kerastase Oleo Curl Intense and some Oleo spritz then dried with a diffuser:

I'm a fan of Kerastase Oleo Curl products, I'm all for volume!  After a bath, I put on an ample amount and massage my roots to ends. Then my handy thermal diffuser, I let my hands scrunch the curls a bit and voila! Here goes my Taylor-Swifty curls! 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mmmmm... YUM!

I avoid the crowds at lunch time, I hate long queues or service people making you wait til you starve. Or if you do make me wait for my meal, it better be worth it.

Definitely tasty enough with a suitable large serving, I like my Tonkatsu crispy and the helping of lettuce wasn't bad either. The flakes were just fine and the deep-fried pork was tender. This was lunch today and every bite was delish.

Monday, February 6, 2012

My First Apple

Happy to have my very own Apple! Instagram here I come!
A thing of beauty. My mom says otherwise :p

Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Red Meat

Take no prisoners, spare no sea creatures! Not only is lobster meat lower in fat, calories and cholesterol than beef, pork and even the leanest chicken, it is also rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Bon appetit!