Saturday, April 28, 2012

Family Ties, Family Lies

I hate doing things out of obligation, familial obligations for that matter are far out the most stressful. You don't want to piss anyone off because family is forever! Which means everyday of your life since birth, these people whom you love, adore, hate will always be present and have something to say about how you handle things in your life.

I have no qualms about my immediate family, me and my sisters are very close. I just don't get along with cousins, I dislike them very much and I don't mind letting the world know (even on this blog) that this is how I feel about them. Sorry, but some relatives are just unbelievably annoying.

I am content with the relationship I have with my darling relatives (they lilive in another city, really far away from our home), we only get to see them on holiday. We're quite civil, but not cloe and I would like to leave it at that. Just because they are my relatives, it doesn't mean their unsolicited advice are often sound. I am old enough to know what I can and cannot do. And I can make up my own mind, thank you! Even if it pisses you off!

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