Monday, April 23, 2012

Hair Watch: Going Grey is Just Cray Cray!

There are some fashion hair trends I pray won't take off, Oh God NO!!! And this is one of them!
I've been spotting a lot of the grey haired pixies on the subways... teens wanna be middle-aged moms too soon? Or is Comicon happening everyday now? Its not a flattering look. Avant-garde maybe, sure, but not everyone can be Gaga.

This look will only work if you're really greying out or if you have a really youthful, angelic face. Otherwise, you'd look too mature for your age, its like adding ten years in an instant. Not cool. And not every girl I know, even the pretty ones, can pull off the shocking silver hairdo.

Steph from CityandMakeup tries it out and she looks like a Manga caricature...Sorry Steph, Gandalf called and he wants his Grey back!


  1. Allie MarconicchoMay 10, 2012 at 1:39 AM

    Why in the world would someone like grey hair? For a mom like me in her mid 40’s, I really get annoyed when my grey hairs start to show. It’s amazing and annoying as well, that someone would actually dye their hair grey as a fashion trend. Why don’t they just simply wait till they’re older and it comes naturally? Some fashion trends are so hard to grasp, but this one certainly takes the cake.

  2. I truly find this grey hair fashion hilarious. I saw a teenager with this style and I wanted to ask her if she contracted some rare disease. There are lots of stupid fashion styles, but this one is the craziest. I had to laugh when you mentioned Gandalf because that was exactly what was running through my mind. Hilarious! This girl better get a robe and start joining cosplays, she has the hair color for it already.

  3. I dyed my hair grey and I've got no regrets. Why do people insult those who want to look different? It's a persons right to look however they want to look. Dyeing your hair grey is no different. My friends really think its cool that I now have grey hair, but I did not do it because I want my friends to compliment me, or just to look different. I dyed my hair because I personally think it's stylish. I often like dark colored clothes like purple or maroon, having grey hair fits in perfectly with the outfit. For those of you who think this is lame, then just keep your opinions to yourself. Live and let live.

  4. this gray hair style pales in comparison to those ganguro girls in japan. not only do they dye their hair pink they also tan their skin black. interesting tho is that this is some form of rebellion to the usual pale skin and black hair japanese girls usually have. damn ugly tho

    and sarah, live and let live applies to people eho like to comment on blogs. it's a free country unless you live in one of those socialist police states.
